World Cup 2022: Odds of progressing to the Final

Which teams will most likely progress to the World Cup 2022 Final? We converted bookies’ odds to probabilities using our Odds to probability calculator to find out. Odds of progressing to the Final These teams are most likely to progress to World Cup 2022 Finals according to bookies to qualify odds. Matej Šuľan Fantasy Football enthusiast with […]

Which players are good at key passes?

In Fantasy World Cup, midfielders are awarded 1 point for every 2 key passes. Read more: How are points awarded in World Cup Fantasy? Why you should care about players good at key passes? If a player is “key passes” machine, he will likely score you extra 1-2 points in every matchday. It is usually […]

Why to focus on midfielders with most tackles?

In Fantasy World Cup, midfielders are awarded 1 point for every 3 tackles. Could this be a similar gamechanger as balls recovered in UCL Fantasy? Read more: How are points awarded in World Cup Fantasy? Why you should care about players good at tackles? Usually, it is defensive midfielders who are good at tackles. And […]